Area 42, District 17 serving Beatty, Furnace Creek, Pahrump, Sandy Valley, & Tecopa

Category: Meeting Minutes

July 2017 Minutes

June 6 Minutes


DISTRICT 17 MINUTES 6/7/17 – Pahrump, Nv

Present: Intro: Kim, Dale,John S, Hoppy, Lynn, Paul O, Alan, Foxx, KC, Betty, Christine,
Jack, Dawn, Delly, Cal, Glenn, Ryan, Bernie
DCM Report: Kim: Area 42 Conference in Tonopah – No important
Issues voted on
Announced positions needed on board – Alt DCM, Secretary,
Grapevine Rep ( new position ), Women’s H & I, Archives
She will not be able to attend July 2017 Dist Mtg
May 2017 Minutes approved
Treas Report: Approved: Dale: Everything fine, District solvent but need
More money for expenses / discussed moving storage to
location closer to town, Lynn will check on availability

No Old Business
Elections: 1. Kim reported Bud has volunteered to be our Alt DCM –
He recently moved from Las Vegas, has years of service work
Experience & 13 Yrs sobriety ( no other candidates step forward )
Two new position open : Grapevine Rep: Glenn railroaded into it lol
Archives: Jack volunteered

Motions to accept / Ayes have it / passed

Kim asked if we had any volunteers to run for other positions?NO

2. Motion to move storage passed
3. Discussion of who is running women’s jail meetings? Foxx reported he
is taking care of men’s meetings but we need someone to take over for
the women’s meetings
4. Dawn representing AlAnon asked District if they could coincide their new
Speaker Mtg / Pot Luck with our monthly Speaker Meeting
Last Sun of month @ Oasis 11 am AA Speaker Mtg @ $15 cost for room
Pot Luck @ noon
AlAnon Speaker Mtg @ 1 pm
Motion passed
5. New meeting started: Hoppy: 12×12 on SUNDAYS 12:30pm First Step Club

Literature: Hoppy – $53.05 book sales
H&I : Foxx – delivered case of pocket Big Books to men’s jails
He said we need a Woman to coordinate the meeting
Schedules for the women’s jails & prisons
PI/CPC (public info/ cooperation with professional community)
Paul O: correct info in Pahrump Valley Times & their online site
Grapevine:Asked new rep in-touch w/ Jack Fisher of LV central to send us some
Grapevine magazines to sell at meetings
Hotline: Ryan – 7 calls / Richard took June until Foxx avail
Events Coordinator: Lynn: Pool Party/ Pot Luck date set but now have to
Change it since the Mt Charleston Picnic is same date
Will be at Comstock Park pool on a Sun from 1-4pm
W/ change it to late Aug/early Sept
Workshops: Kim/Julie/Terry : Sponsorship Workshop went very well
Good speaker Approx 30 attendees
Next Workshop: Meditation Workshop by Sharda
Sunday Aug 6th 12:30 p @ Oasis
Website: Schedules updated & ready to be printed out
Discussion: Dawn asked if we could add our financial rpt
Decision: No
Inter group Rep: Foxx : I don’t remember lol
NOTE: If I left out anyone’s committee report, I apologize!!!! My note-taking
Skills are not the best

Noon in other Room – Cal: Everything well Turned in money for District
( see financial report)
Women’s Tuesday Mtg: meeting has great attendance
Sunday 11 am mtg: ( can’t remember proper name)
Foxx: Meeting has lots of service positions open but doing well
Even Keel ( Tues & Thur) Betty Great attendance
Nooner so: Hoppy Their Business meeting discussed they need a boost in
No Reservations: no rpt
Keep it Simple thru the Steps: Alan Everything ok, small mtg but good
TGIF: John S Good attendance Supports District w/ sizable donations
Boondockers.: Delly Mtg good, need service people, donation to district
Eye openers: no rpt

Dale: 7th Tradition: $14 H&I = $7
ANNOUNCEMENT: John Founders Day Celebration June 7th Las Vegas
Next meeting : Wednesday July 5th @ 5:30 Lutheran Church
Motion to end meeting: Passed
Respectfully submitted: Lynn T Temporary Secretary District 17

May 2017 Minutes

Dec 2015 Minutes

Dec 15 minutes

dec15 minutes2

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