Area 42, District 17 serving Beatty, Furnace Creek, Pahrump, Sandy Valley, & Tecopa

Author: admin

SAGSC Southern Area general service committee

Southern Area general service committee
TIE CLUB – 329 N. 11th ST – LAS VEGAS, NV

Rhonda opened the meeting at 1:15 with the serenity prayer.
We had 5 new GSR’s in attendance.

GSR TRAINER: ALAN report given by Lisa T.
There were 5 new GSR’s and 2 visitors attending the survival training.
Meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer.
Introductions were made
The following items were distributed:
• Agenda for SAGSC Meeting
• List of Area Officers and DCMs
• Questions for the new GSRs
• Area 42 Survival Guides
• GSR Preamble
• Group Change/New Group Forms
All the above items were reviewed.
General questions were answered.
The meeting was adjourned with the Responsibility Declaration.

Hi everybody, My name is Claudia and I am the DCM coordinator for the South. My continuing duties in this position are to facilitate one training session prior to the January SAGSC meeting of a new rotation year, provide literature to assist them and to co- chair a training section at each of the area assemblies.
However,, I will conduct a meeting before this one in January and hope to be able to help our current and any new DCMs most effectively serve their districts. My colleague in the north and I also provide a google group available to all of the DCMS and officers to help keep track of other districts’ events and keep the communication open between them.
I have been offered some suggestions as to how to better coordinator the communication between the DCMs and will talk about them with my colleague from the North. In the mean time, if you have any suggestions of ways the DCMs can help each other with their common challenges, please let me know.
Thank you for letting me be of service.

Glenn presented the minutes from the July 9, 2017 SAGSC meeting. A motion was made and seconded to accept as written and were approved with no corrections. A copy was signed, dated and will be given to the Archives chair for storage at our next meeting.

Thank you to everyone that has sent me your reports. This helps to get the minutes made quicker and out to our groups sooner.
I have made 20 copies in English and 6 in Spanish of the minutes from our last meeting in July. Please reserve the hard copies for those that don’t have access to email.
Thank you for letting me be of service.
Glenn W.

SAGSC TREASURER: CHUCK – Edie gave report
Good afternoon Family:
Nov 12th, 2017 Treasure Report:
Total income for the year on contributions is $9,317.27.Savings Interest is $1.11 for a total of $9,318.38 or 80% of expected income for the year.
Total expenses for the year to date are $11,565.57 with only 3 expenses left to report. Meeting rent cost today, Meeting refreshments cost for today, Sec/Treas expenses for printing. All other expenses have been accounted for for the year. WE were budgeted for $11,569.50 and we have spent $11,565.57. Real close on the expected budget expenses for the year. Good Job Edie for the projection estimation that she did last Nov.
The receipts for each group have been distributed to the DCM’s of each district that the group is in. I have started to use the email service provided. Please, if your group would like to receive an email receipt instead of a printed receipt, I will be more than happy to record that. You can see me today or when making a contribution, add an email address and I will be more than happy to send that way. This will cut down on the cost of having to print each receipt and handing them out.
My goal is next year, no printing, all email for the receipts for the group donations.
Thank you for allowing me to be of service.
SAGSC Treasure

note: There is a sign up sheet being passed around for people who need help being funded to PRASSA in Sparks, NV. If you don’t have enough funding from your group or elsewhere please signup for funding from SAGSC. Also being passed around is a sign up sheet for PRASSA 2018 program volunteers if anyone is interested.


Zona sur la comisión de servicios generales


TIE CLUB – 329 N. 11th St – LAS VEGAS, NV

Actas e informes


Rhonda abrió la reunión a las 1:15 con la serenidad de la oración.

Tuvimos 5 nuevos GSR’s en la asistencia.


GSR FORMADOR: Alan informe dado por Lisa T.

Hubo 5 nueva GSR’s y 2 visitantes asistieron a la formación para la supervivencia.

La reunión se abrió con la serenidad de la oración.

Se hicieron presentaciones

Se distribuyeron los siguientes artículos:

  • La Agenda para la reunión SAGSC
  • Lista de oficiales de zona y el DCMs
  • Preguntas para el nuevo GSRs
  • Zona 42 guías de supervivencia
  • GSR Preámbulo
  • Cambio de grupo/grupo nuevas formas

Todos los elementos mencionados fueron revisados.

Preguntas generales fueron contestadas.

La reunión fue clausurada con la declaración de responsabilidad.


DCM Coordinador: Claudia

Hola a todos, Mi nombre es Claudia y soy el coordinador de DCM para el Sur. Continuando mis deberes en esta posición son para facilitar una sesión de entrenamiento antes de la reunión de enero SAGSC una nueva rotación año, proporcione la literatura para ayudarlos y copresidente de una sección de capacitación, en cada uno de los ensamblados de área.

Sin embargo, voy a celebrar una reunión antes de que esta uno en enero, y espero poder ayudar a nuestros actuales y cualquier nueva DCMs responder más eficazmente a sus distritos. Mi colega en el norte y yo también proporcionan un grupo de google a disposición de todos el DCMS y oficiales para ayudar a mantener un seguimiento de otros distritos’ eventos y mantener la comunicación abierta entre ellos.

Me han ofrecido algunas sugerencias sobre cómo mejorar la comunicación entre el coordinador y el DCMs hablará sobre ellos con mi colega del Norte. En el ínterin, si usted tiene alguna sugerencia de maneras el DCMs pueden ayudarse los unos a los otros con sus desafíos comunes, por favor hágamelo saber.

Gracias por permitirme estar de servicio.


Aprobación de 9 de julio de 2017 minutos

Glenn presentó el acta del 9 de julio de 2017 SAGSC reunión. Una propuesta fue hecha y adscritos a aceptar como escrito y fueron aprobados sin correcciones. Una copia fue fechado y firmado, será dada a la presidencia para el almacenamiento de archivos en nuestra próxima reunión.


El Secretario informe: Glenn 

                        Gracias a todos los que me ha enviado sus informes. Esto le ayudará a obtener los minutos hizo más rápido y a nuestros grupos antes.

He hecho 20 copias en Inglés y 6 en español de las actas de nuestra última reunión en julio. Por favor, reserve las copias para aquellos que no tienen acceso a correo electrónico.

Gracias por permitirme estar de servicio.

Glenn W.


Tesorero: SAGSC CHUCK – Edie dio informe

Buenas tardes Familia:

Nov 12th, 2017 Treasure Informe:

Los ingresos totales para el año de cuotas es de $9,317.27.Los intereses del ahorro es de $1.11 para un total de $9,318.38 o el 80% de los ingresos previstos para el año.

El total de gastos para el año a la fecha es de $11,565.57 con sólo 3 Gastos de izquierda a informe. Hoy, el costo de alquiler de reunión reunión refrescos cuestan hoy, seg/Treas gastos de impresión. Todos los demás gastos han sido contabilizados durante el año. Teníamos presupuestado $11,569.50 y hemos gastado $11,565.57. Cierre real sobre los gastos del presupuesto previsto para el año. Buen trabajo Edie para la estimación de la proyección que hizo el pasado mes de noviembre.

Los recibos de cada grupo se han distribuido en el DCM de cada distrito en donde se encuentra el grupo. He empezado a usar el servicio de correo proporcionado. Por favor, si su grupo quisiera recibir un recibo por correo electrónico en lugar de un recibo impreso, estaré más que feliz para grabar. Puede verme hoy o cuando se hace una contribución, agregar una dirección de correo electrónico y estaré encantado de enviar ese camino. Esto disminuirá el costo de tener que imprimir cada recibo y entrega.

Mi meta es el próximo año, sin imprimir, todos los mensajes de correo electrónico para los recibos de donaciones para el grupo.

Gracias por permitirme estar de servicio.



Tesoro SAGSC


Nota: hay un cartel que se pasa alrededor de la hoja para personas que necesitan ayuda, siendo financiada con PRASSA en Sparks, NV. Si usted no tiene fondos suficientes en tu grupo o en otro lugar, por favor regístrate para obtener financiamiento de SAGSC. También se pasa alrededor es un signo de la hoja para PRASSA 2018 voluntarios del programa si alguien está interesado

Janurary 2017 Minutes


December 6, 2017
Pahrump, Nevada

Meeting Called to order at 5:28 pm

DCM: Kim W. called the meeting to order After a moment of silence for the still suffering alcoholic opened with the Serenity Prayer. Passed sign in sheet.

Alt DCM: Bud L. had no report.

Last month Minutes: Jodi L reported the minutes previously emailed for review. Motion was made, 2nd, approved to accept the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report: Dale B. reported:
Prudent Reserve $200
Balance forward $ 1338.43
Income $ 2858.49
Expenses $ 2415.76
Ending Balance $ 1267.15 ($ 1,467.15 w/PR)
H&I Balance $464.07

Motion was made, 2nd, approved to accept treasurer’s report.

Kim reported that Sharda sold Meditation CD’s and donated the monies to District ($50).

Old Business:

Meeting schedule: Kim reported that she spoke with Dewayne, Unity Chair regarding the two concerns addressed last month. Both concerns are to be resolved among those specific group and are not a District concern.
Delly, representing Boondocks would like it noted that Boondocks disagrees with District by having non-registered meetings in the meeting schedule regardless of asterisk indicators.

Storage Unit F16 to C & L Storage, 861 W. Wilson. 775-525-3505
Delly has a list to type of all items particularly for the events she will give to Alan and to the Event coordinator, Lynn.

Guidelines Ad hoc committee: Kim reported that the committee met and have created district guidelines. She will type them to present to District.

New Business: Jack asked that we put a calendar of events on our website for both District and for Groups. Alan said there is a calendar on the site, but it is not utilized. It was agreed that we will utilize going forward.

Foxx asked that the schedule be updated, there are some errors. Foxx will get with Alan.

Committee Reports:

Hotline: E. Foxx 9 calls were received this month. Laurie will have the phone rotation next month. There were discussions regarding the process for Spanish speaking alcoholics. Foxx has contacts in Vegas when this arises.

Literature: Hoppy H. $116.00 in sales for November. No need to order more at this time.

H&I: E. Foxx going well right now.

Grapevine: GeorgeAnn as not present.

Archivist: Jack A. has items at his house to go to storage. Still has not received items from members, please give these items to him that he can put in storage and also load on the thumb drive.

Events: Lynn T. was not present. Kim reported February/March 2018 will be the Chili Cook-off and Talent/No Talent Contest. More to come.

Workshop: Kim W. reported Next workshop is Sunday, February 11, 2018 from 12:30pm to 2:30pm.

Al-ca-thons: John M reported that we still have 10pm and 10am open. He has group commitments but no individual commitments.

LV Intergroup Liaison: E. Foxx reported Area 42 Intergroup is the 2nd Monday each month @6pm located at the Central Office in Las Vegas. He has flyers for the next event which will be Jan 13th Fun Buss.

CPC/PI: Paul U. reported Area 42 CPC/PI is the 2nd Monday each month @4:30pm located at the Central Office in Las Vegas. Dianne at channel 46 has promised that we are in line to be aired for a 60-minute spot.

Webmaster: Alan R. reported that no one has contacted him to date for any schedule changes. As previously mentioned, he will get with Foxx regarding some errors in the schedule Foxx had indicated.

GSR Reports:

Nooners: Hoppy H. reported that attendance has picked up as well as donations. Tonight was the first time in a long time they have been able to donate to District. Things are much better.

TGIF : Christine R. reported that the meeting is doing okay, paying rent, attendance goes up and down.

Noon in other Room/Men’s Stagg: Jack A. reported that the Friday Night Men’s Stage is a part of the Noon in the other Room and should be notated together. Jack also reported that things are well. They are not at their reserve and have an Ad hoc committee created for the meeting guidelines.

Even Keel: Betty S. reported that as of two weeks ago the meeting elected a GSR (Glen J.). The meeting was able to make donations to all entities.

Women’s Meeting: Laurie M. reported that their treasurer is back so they could give their donation to district. They have had attendance with a large influx of new women attending. The meeting is working on creating a newcomer welcome packet.

Sharing How it Works: E. Foxx reported that the meeting is trying to get a new chair person. Things are well.

No Reservations: Harvey was not present – no report given.

Keeping it Simple Through the Steps: Alan R. reported that attendance has slowed way down due to the holidays.

Boondocks: Delly reported that the meeting is doing really well. The format is a 12 by 12 meeting. However, anytime there is a newcomer, they go back to step 1. She has been out of town, but now that she is back she will bring donation for District next month.

Sunday 12×12 study: Hoppy reported the meeting is primarily card carriers, as a result they usually cannot make rent and are not able to donate to district. They are not registered because they want to wait to see if things improve.

Next Meeting: January 3rd, 2018

Meeting Adjourned at 6:05; Minutes taken by District 17 Secretary Jodi L.

Closing: 7th Tradition Collection, Responsibility Clause

Upcoming events:
February 11, 2018 District 17 Workshop, Steps 4 & 5 the “Joe & Charlie Way”, 12:30pm-2:30pm
February/March 2018 2nd Annual Chili Cook-off and Talent/No Talent Contest
March 2-4, 2018 PRAASA, Reno/Sparks, Nugget Hotel, Room Code: G-PRAASA

In attendance:

July 2017 Minutes

June 6 Minutes


DISTRICT 17 MINUTES 6/7/17 – Pahrump, Nv

Present: Intro: Kim, Dale,John S, Hoppy, Lynn, Paul O, Alan, Foxx, KC, Betty, Christine,
Jack, Dawn, Delly, Cal, Glenn, Ryan, Bernie
DCM Report: Kim: Area 42 Conference in Tonopah – No important
Issues voted on
Announced positions needed on board – Alt DCM, Secretary,
Grapevine Rep ( new position ), Women’s H & I, Archives
She will not be able to attend July 2017 Dist Mtg
May 2017 Minutes approved
Treas Report: Approved: Dale: Everything fine, District solvent but need
More money for expenses / discussed moving storage to
location closer to town, Lynn will check on availability

No Old Business
Elections: 1. Kim reported Bud has volunteered to be our Alt DCM –
He recently moved from Las Vegas, has years of service work
Experience & 13 Yrs sobriety ( no other candidates step forward )
Two new position open : Grapevine Rep: Glenn railroaded into it lol
Archives: Jack volunteered

Motions to accept / Ayes have it / passed

Kim asked if we had any volunteers to run for other positions?NO

2. Motion to move storage passed
3. Discussion of who is running women’s jail meetings? Foxx reported he
is taking care of men’s meetings but we need someone to take over for
the women’s meetings
4. Dawn representing AlAnon asked District if they could coincide their new
Speaker Mtg / Pot Luck with our monthly Speaker Meeting
Last Sun of month @ Oasis 11 am AA Speaker Mtg @ $15 cost for room
Pot Luck @ noon
AlAnon Speaker Mtg @ 1 pm
Motion passed
5. New meeting started: Hoppy: 12×12 on SUNDAYS 12:30pm First Step Club

Literature: Hoppy – $53.05 book sales
H&I : Foxx – delivered case of pocket Big Books to men’s jails
He said we need a Woman to coordinate the meeting
Schedules for the women’s jails & prisons
PI/CPC (public info/ cooperation with professional community)
Paul O: correct info in Pahrump Valley Times & their online site
Grapevine:Asked new rep in-touch w/ Jack Fisher of LV central to send us some
Grapevine magazines to sell at meetings
Hotline: Ryan – 7 calls / Richard took June until Foxx avail
Events Coordinator: Lynn: Pool Party/ Pot Luck date set but now have to
Change it since the Mt Charleston Picnic is same date
Will be at Comstock Park pool on a Sun from 1-4pm
W/ change it to late Aug/early Sept
Workshops: Kim/Julie/Terry : Sponsorship Workshop went very well
Good speaker Approx 30 attendees
Next Workshop: Meditation Workshop by Sharda
Sunday Aug 6th 12:30 p @ Oasis
Website: Schedules updated & ready to be printed out
Discussion: Dawn asked if we could add our financial rpt
Decision: No
Inter group Rep: Foxx : I don’t remember lol
NOTE: If I left out anyone’s committee report, I apologize!!!! My note-taking
Skills are not the best

Noon in other Room – Cal: Everything well Turned in money for District
( see financial report)
Women’s Tuesday Mtg: meeting has great attendance
Sunday 11 am mtg: ( can’t remember proper name)
Foxx: Meeting has lots of service positions open but doing well
Even Keel ( Tues & Thur) Betty Great attendance
Nooner so: Hoppy Their Business meeting discussed they need a boost in
No Reservations: no rpt
Keep it Simple thru the Steps: Alan Everything ok, small mtg but good
TGIF: John S Good attendance Supports District w/ sizable donations
Boondockers.: Delly Mtg good, need service people, donation to district
Eye openers: no rpt

Dale: 7th Tradition: $14 H&I = $7
ANNOUNCEMENT: John Founders Day Celebration June 7th Las Vegas
Next meeting : Wednesday July 5th @ 5:30 Lutheran Church
Motion to end meeting: Passed
Respectfully submitted: Lynn T Temporary Secretary District 17

May 2017 Minutes

May 2017 Minutes

Dec 2015 Minutes

Dec 15 minutes

dec15 minutes2

Dec 2015 Treasurer’s Report

dec treasurer's report

dec treasurer #2

Aug 2015 minutes


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